Friday, February 20, 2009

Jen's knee surgery.

Jen had arthroscopic knee surgery on Monday 2/9.
She has had knee trouble for the last couple of years, but specifically on her left knee since last July. The doctor's and trainers at her school thought that she had a torn meniscus because of the way it popped and didn't heal for such a long period of time. She tried exercising it to make it stronger - didn't work.
Dr. Porter had the attitude of "let's see what the problem is and let's take care of it!"

Good News! She did not have a torn meniscus. She had an extra film of skin (Plica) that had grown over the meniscus that was folded over and it was causing irritation in there. He went in and cleaned it all out. Recovery time should be a lot less time than a repair on a meniscal tear. Yay.

If you look closely you can see where they marked above her knee w/pen - saying it was the correct knee to scope. Jen says it looks like she was bitten by a vampire.

Jen is recovering so well. She visit's the school trainer everyday for 6th hour. She doesn't particularly like that because it's painful. She should be able to start playing catch for softball next week. Each week she should be stronger and should be able to play softball in a couple of weeks. We're keeping our fingers crossed.
We're hoping this does the trick!
It will!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Yuck! I really hope this helps because she has been putting up with it for way too long! If only it was last year so she could have enjoyed her senior volleyball year a little more! Good luck Jen!

Sassy said...

Bless her ♥!!!! These knees...HOLY SCHMOLY...Love that Dr. Porter...he did both of Brody's...the vampire thought is does look like that, huh? Please be careful and don't push it too quick!

Katie said...

I had three knee surgeries, two in high school and one in college--No fun! Mine didn't work, so it's good that Jen's did :)